From Wordpress How to spot core from non-core business activities First off, why is it even important to spot core from non-core business activities? If you are a B2B entrepreneur, then you have probably stumbled on the realization that businesses are much more amenable to outsourcing non-core but important business activities to outside vendors
From Wordpress Why I Left Microsoft Let me preface this blog by saying that it is not about Microsoft bashing. To quote an oft-repeated (and infamous quote) - "I L O V E T H I S C O M P A N Y". For me job satisfaction means three
From Wordpress What does a PM *do*? "So…what does a PM actually do?", is a question I usually face, especially from my developer friends, when I tell them that I am a Program Manager. This blog entry explains my understanding of this profession. I moved over from being a developer
From Wordpress 3 Things to look for in a startup idea I have been thinking of doing my own startup for a while now. When I ask established entrepreneurs about what kind of startup idea I should pursue, I get advice ranging from - "Just jump in with something, and you will pivot your way
From Wordpress How does OAuth2.0 work in the real world? OAuth 2.0 needs no introduction (read the excellent introduction in the IETF spec if you need one). This blog is an easy to read explanation of OAuth 2.0 protocol with explanations on how Facebook has implemented it. In the interest of making
From Wordpress Tool to Speed Up Unit Tests Why I don't write unit testsUnit tests have saved me countless number of times. I know the benefits of TDD. Yet there are times when I do not write unit tests because writing unit tests takes time. And my good senses have a tendency
From Wordpress What is Good Software Design "But that is not good design.." is a refrain I have heard in countless software design meetings arguments. And usually these arguments devolve pretty quickly into philosophic disagreements based on opinions rather than facts. This obviously begs the question - so what is good
From Wordpress What is Cloud Computing What is cloud computing from Avilay Parekh Cloud Computing = ElasticityAt its core cloud computing is a business model innovation. Traditional datacenters have been renting out IT infrastructure by the month for quite some time now. Cloud computing providers have figured out a way to